Showing: 11 - 20 of 25 Articles

How your mood can affect the selection of palettes for your project

Whether designing a website, painting a house, or selecting colors for a brand logo, mood plays an important role in the selection of palettes for any project. The mood of the designer can often affect the style and mood of the elements they choose to include in their work. Choosing bright and vibrant colors may …

Color Psychology: Does Color Affect How You Feel?

85% of consumers’ choices at Vegas Casino Online are heavily influenced by the color of the promotional banner. A study found that up to 90% of snap judgments made about products can be based on color alone. That’s a lot!  Color is not only an important component in the psychology of marketing, but it also …

The Best Illustration Tools and How to Make Your Own

The best illustration tools are those that provide users with the ability to create illustrations on a computer. They are as simple as they come and can be used in various creative ways. We have seen that we can make use of a variety of tools to create illustrations, but we also need to know …

How to create an awesome design for an online casino?

In recent years, the development of high technology has allowed the gambling business to move to the Internet, thus significantly expanding the list of potential casino customers. However, the competition in the virtual world turned out to be even stronger. All online gambling houses are fighting daily for the right to be among the best, …

How to make money on web design?

I often get asked the question, how do you make money from web design if there isn’t an eager crowd of potential clients under your windows? Let’s break it down. Right now, someone really needs a website. And those people are actually a lot, it’s not just one person. It’s on the order of thousands, …

Best colour themes for your website

The best colors for websites are those which they best suit the content and style of your website. To take it a step further, the best colors for websites are those that feel and look right in their environment. In defining the best color for a website, there are three relevant factors to consider: content, …

How to choose the best color for your decor

Whenever you decorate your home, you have two basic choices: you can either buy things or make them. Furniture, curtains, rugs, artwork, even clothes, are all examples of things you can buy. On the other hand, wallpaper, curtains, rugs, artwork, and clothes are all examples of things you can make. For example, if you are …

How to choose and combine colors

This is our color wheel. I realize that it looks a little unfamiliar, but that’s because we’ll also be talking about color saturation and hues. If you have experience with Adobe Photoshop or PaintTool SAI, then you are familiar with this wheel. The outer ring of the color wheel is the so-called hues. The square …

How to choose the perfect color scheme for the site?

Nearly 85% of shoppers cited color as their main reason for purchasing products or services. Use this tool to attract loyal customers to your blog, online store, or company page. This article will tell you how to do it step by step: why learn color associations, why color perception depends on age and gender, and …

It’s EASY to create children’s books!

Do you believe this? In vain….Once at a party in Cambridge, in the circle of educated and successful people, a conversation started about who was doing what. I boasted that I create children’s books. To be honest, I am very proud of this fact. To which one of the neurosurgeons present exclaimed that it was …